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기사명 [논문] 한국 치과병원내 진료과목의 공간배분계획에 관한 연구 / [Research Paper] A Study on the Spatial Allocation Planning of Dental Care Departments in Dental Hospital in Korea
저자명 정태종(Jeong, Taejong) ; 최재필(Choi, Jaepil)
발행사 한국의료복지건축학회
수록사항 한국의료복지건축학회지 『의료·복지 건축』 , Vol.23 No.4(통권 69호)(2017-12)
페이지 시작페이지(27) 총페이지(10)
ISSN 19753349
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 치과병원 ; 진료과목 ; 공간배분계획//Dental Hospital ; Dental Care Department ; Spatial Allocation Planning
요약2 Purpose: The characteristics of spatial allocation planning in dentistry through examining the dental hospitals in Korea and comparison between them are necessary for the development of planning of the dental healthcare system. This study has been started to provide basic informations such as zoning, allocation distribution, and space configuration for the planning of dental hospital architecture. Methods: Literature review of dental care departments and investigation on current status of dental hospital in Korea have been conducted. The spatial allocation and space configuration of eleven dental hospitals have been analyzed. Results: The result of this study can be summarized in three points. The first one is that dental hospitals in Korea are consisted with height to eleven dental care departments and they are divided with the horizontal allocation type with three to four departments in a floor for the spatial communication or the vertical allocation type with a department in each floor for the independent space. The second one is that oral medicine and oral maxillofacial radiology are located near the main entrance, orthodontics and pedodontic dentistry in lower level, prosthodontics in upper level, and conservative dentistry and periodontics have no specific spatial consideration. The third one is that the factors to consider the allocation planning are zoning for examination & diagnosis, basic practice, adolescence, surgery, circulations for patient, dentist, staff, different access for department like as easy access for reception and pedodontic dentistry, enclosure space for prosthodontics and surgery, frequency of visit and treatment care time, and change of treatment concept from treatment department to disease control corporative practice. Implications: This study is the starting point for the research of spatial configuration in dentistry and it is necessary to analyze the architectural planning to develop the dental healthcare system.
소장처 한국의료복지시설학회
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