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기사명 [논문] 진단검사의학과의 검사기능과 공간구성에 관한 연구 / 1000병상급 종합병원을 중심으로 / [Research Paper] A Study on the Laboratory Function and Spatial Organization for Laboratory Medicine - Focused on the Tertiary Level General Hospitals having more than 1000 Beds
저자명 최창대(Choi, Changdae) ; 김영애(Kim, Youngaee)
발행사 한국의료복지건축학회
수록사항 한국의료복지건축학회지 『의료·복지 건축』 , Vol.23 No.4(통권 69호)(2017-12)
페이지 시작페이지(37) 총페이지(17)
ISSN 19753349
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 진단검사의학과 ; 검사기능 ; 공간구성 ; 공간조직 ; 1000병상 ; 종합병원//Laboratory Medicine ; Inspection Function ; Spatial composition ; Spatial Organization
요약2 Purpose: As the structure of the disease has been changed and the infectious disease has been increased, the demand for diagnostic examination has been increasing. So, the department of laboratory medicine in hospital has playing the important role accounting for about nineteen percent of total medical expenses in korea. This study is to investigate the laboratory function and spatial composition of the department and figure out the space area and space organization. Methods: Explore the literature review to identify the laboratory function. Limit to five cases of tertiary level general hospital having about a thousand bed and analyze the space layout and floor area to confirm the spatial composition. Classify the exam function and check the spatial composition and spatial organization. Results: This study allows 5 conclusions to be summarized. Laboratory medicine divided into nine part in regulation, but in space allocated into core lab, emergency lab and six part lab. Total laboratory area is 2,036㎡ in average, and is composited with 60% for lab, 17% for office and 20% for public. Lab area per a bed presents 1.88㎡. Microbiolgy and molecular lab area are getting large. Laboratory space organized into the four zone, like an entrance zone, core zone, rear zone and peripheral zone. Emergency and transfusion lab are allocated in entrance zone, hematology chemistry and immunology in core lab, microbiology and molecular lab in rear, support offices in peripheral zone. The most important point was to check the spatial composition of the Laboratory Medicine according to the inspection function. Implications: This study can be used as a useful data in planning and designing a Laboratory Medicine Department.
소장처 한국의료복지시설학회
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