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논문명 건축물의 지하공간을 위한 단열재의 특성 분석 및 설계 기준 수립 / Establishment of Design Standard and Analysis of Insulation Property for Underground Space in Architecture
저자명 황민규 ; 조우진 ; 김강수
발행사 한국생태환경건축학회
수록사항 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집, v.13 n.2(통권 60호) (2013-04)
페이지 시작페이지(107) 총페이지(6)
ISSN 15983730
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 결로 ; 단열 ; 단열재 ; 비드법 ; 압출법 ; 경질우레탄폼 ; 열전도율 ; 흡수량 ; 지하공간 ; Condensation ; Insulation ; Insulating Material ; Eps ; Xps ; Poly Urethane ; Thermal Conductivity ; Water Absorption ; Underground Space
요약2 The purpose of this study is to analyze an insulation property and to establish a design standard for the underground space in architecture. Insulation materials for this study are 12 kinds of Insulation which qualified KS standards(3 classes of EPS type 1, 3 classes of EPS type 2(Neopor), 3 classes of XPS and 3 classes of PU Boards). For insulation materials of underground space, insulating and water tightening property are desired. So conductivity for insulating and water absorption for water tightening are measured in this study. Temperature, insulation is exposed to in the underground space, is different from temperature above the ground. Conductivity is measured in a temperature of 17℃, 20℃, 23℃ and 26℃. In KS standards, water absorption are measure after 24 hours, but insulation is exposed to water for a long time in the underground. So after 110 days, water absorption are measured. As time goes by, increasing of water absorption means decreasing of water tightening and insulating. So after water absorption had measured for 110 days, conductivity has measured again. As a result, XPS is selected as optimized insulation for underground. And Conductivity of XPS insulation with water should be added by 20%.
소장처 한국생태환경건축학회
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