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논문명 감성적 실내디자인을 위한 여성전문병원 로비 공간 계획 특성 / The Particularities of Planning for the Emotional Design in the Lobby of the Women's clinics
저자명 김정근 ; 홍규리
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, v.17 n.6(통권 71호) (2008-12)
페이지 시작페이지(143) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 12297992
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 여성전문병원 ; 로비 공간 ; 감성디자인//Women's clinic ; Lobby ; Emotional Design
요약2 This paper inquires the elements of emotional design and the current conditions of its application in order to examine the particularities arise when planning emotional interior design for a women's clinic. Research was done by studying plans for elements of emotional interior design while site investigation was done to find out the status of women's clinic lobby. Six women's clinic in Ulsan were chosen as subjects while survey was done based on the studied emotional plan elements. The data evaluation was classified by the installed properties and substituted with image scale using emotional mensuration. The outcome is as follows; First, elements of emotional interior design was composed of elements making up the space's comfort and aesthetic appreciation, and elements stimulating human's five senses leading to psychological treatment. Therefore, the plan for interior design should merge the design elements that stimulate senses and social elements into one unified concept. Second, the composited elements within the plan should strive to stimulate sights by contracts and changes and add symbolic or meaningful elements based on the principles of design. In so doing, the plan should incorporate an aesthetic orderliness and a coherent image. Third, the interior of women's clinics should not only have psychological comfort but also liveliness and ease that suits 20-30 old women. To conclude, Color, form, finishing materials and texture should be selected with a unified style in mind and the plan itself should strive to generate playfulness though harmonious coordination.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회
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