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논문명 에스테틱과 연계된 피부과의원의 디자인 아이덴티티 요소에 관한 연구 / A study on the Identity design factors of dermatologic clinic linked with aesthetic space
저자명 주혜라 ; 김영훈 ; 소현아
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, v.18 n.4(통권 75호) (2009-08)
페이지 시작페이지(124) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 12297992
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 에스테틱 ; 피부과의원 ; 아이덴티티//Aesthetic ; Dermatologic clinic ; Identity
요약2 The aesthetics of current dermatology clinics are the main space of dermatology, which is gradually becoming an area of specialty. Paths requiring spatial transition due to the expansion of treatment field in dermatology clinics are currently emerging, meaning that the duty to provide medical and aesthetic environment with high spatial connection must be accompanied. Contrary to past clinics where only functional aspects were emphasized, current clinics require a differentiated environment that considers both aspects of function and aesthetics, centered on the patient. The purpose of this research in this perspective is to study the efficient connection between dermatology and aesthetics, while also analyzing identity factors to indicate design factors differentiated from other functional spaces, to apply them as preliminary data for the planning of dermatology clinics. Based on the above, six dermatology clinics located in Seoul were designated for case studies through field studies. Overall, Aesthetics connected to dermatology clinics legally must have separate business registrations and have alternative entrance ways. Currently however, there were many cases where entrance, waiting, reception and receipt were not separated. there were efforts to partially display identities when analyzing design factors that formed the identity of dermatology clinics. However, there were insufficient cases where visual communication factors such as a clinic’s spatial identity, logo, signing system, and applied products were integrated into a coherent theme. At this point when dermatology clinics are becoming brands, all fields must merge for integrated identity effects that go beyond the boundaries of contemporary H.I, to clearly display their identity with the clinics’ professional image and consistent concept.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회
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