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논문명 [연구논문-건축·주택] 40∼70MPa 콘크리트에서의 철근 압축이음 길이 / Compression Lap Splice Length in Concrete of Compressive Strength from 40 MPa to 70 MPa
저자명 천성철 ; 이성호 ; 오보환
발행사 대우건설 기술연구소
수록사항 대우건설기술, 통권 제31호 (2009-08)
페이지 시작페이지(92) 총페이지(10)
ISSN 12298034
주제분류 구조
주제어 Compression lap splice ; bond ; end bearing ; transverse reinforcement ; specified splice strength
요약2 A compression lap splice becomes an important issue due to development of ultra-high strength concrete. Current design codes regarding compression lap splice do not utilize merits of the improved strength of ultra-high strength concrete. Especially, a compression lap splice can be calculated longer than a tension lap splice according to the codes because they do not consider effects of compressive strength of concrete and transverse reinforcement. This anomaly confuses engineers in practice. Design equation is proposed for compression lap splice in 40 to 70 MPa of compressive strength of concrete. The proposed equation is based on 51 specimens conducted by authors. Basic form of the equation includes main parameters which are derived from investigating test results. Through twovariable non-linear regression analysis of measured splice strengths, a strength equation of compression lap splices is then derived. A specified splice strength is defined using a 5% fractile coefficient and a lap length equation is constructed. By the proposed equation, the anomaly of lap lengths in tension and compression is got rid of. In addition, the equation has a reliability equivalent to those of the specified strengths of materials.
소장처 대우건설 기술연구소
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