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논문명 치과의원의 실내 공간에 나타난 아이덴티티 요소에 관한 연구 / 서울과 부산지역의 치과의원 중심으로 / A Study on Identity Elements Expressed in the Inner Spaces of Dental Clinics - Focused on dental clinics in areas of Seoul and Busan -
저자명 최시영 ; 이창노
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, v.19 n.1(통권 78호) (2010-02)
페이지 시작페이지(217) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 12297992
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 치과 ; 치과의원 ; 아이덴티티//Dentistry ; Dental Clinic ; Identity
요약2 As life quality have grown today, people have been greatly interested in health. Moreover, new knowledge and concepts are being applied in the medical facility field and that makes the field expand constantly. Hereby, this research is a study on design elements of dental clinics and the research goals are to understand interior design of current dental clinics by investigation and analysis on furniture, closing materials, colors and so on, and to investigate esthetic and functional environments for dental clinics through analyzing upcoming trends of inner spaces of dental clinics. The investigation was conducted by visits to four clinics per each research area, where are in Busan area and opened after year 2000 and are located in Seoul and Busan. Though the spaces of dental clinics vary according to the characteristics of each clinic, it generally has a consultation room, a waiting room and an X-ray room. The closing materials that make patients feel at ease are used in the waiting room, and ones that make patients feel tidy and fresh are used in consultation spaces, spare spaces, and management spaces. In Seoul area, antique and harmonic colors are used, and modernistic colors are used in Busan area. Reception desks, chair units, sofas and sink storage shelfs are the common furniture in the clinic. We have learned what are mentioned above by research and investigation on the component characteristics of dental clinic spaces. Based on these, more systematical and in-depth research should be continued.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회
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