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논문명 지하철 환승공간에서 경로탐색(wayfinding)을 위한 시환경 지각요소에 관한 연구 / 지하철 사당역, 서울역, 종로3가역, 공덕역을 중심으로 / Visual Performance Evaluation Study of Wayfinding Factors in Subway Transfer Station - Focus on the Sadang Subway Station, Seoul Subway Station, Jongro3-ga Subway Station and Gongduck Subway Station -
저자명 송현지 ; 김남효
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 논문집, v.22 n.4(통권 99호) (2013-08)
페이지 시작페이지(167) 총페이지(11)
ISSN 12297992
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 지하철환승역 ; 경로탐색 요소 ; 시환경지각 ; 조명//Subway Transfer Station ; Wayfinding Factor ; Visual Performance Evaluation ; Lighting
요약2 The environmental considerations should be taken into full consideration in order to make the use of ground space as comfort and efficient as that of ground space. The visual environmental factors which provide visual informations in underground spaces where the environmental information can be acquired only by the surroundings expand their role as affordance for wayfinding. This study focuses on the visual performance evaluation of wayfinding factors on the subway transfer station platform and aisle as major space for movement in four subway transfe stations and analyzes the material, pattern, color, and lighting provided by the visual environment in underground space as directional marked label, regional differentiation and sign system. The results of this study comes are as follows. First, As to the directional marked label at the subway platform and transfer aisle, following patterns are colors, finishing materials and lighting for the sake of safety and convenience, And regional differentiation, following colors are patterns for the space division. Finally sign system which practically provides the most information, however, it is most insufficient to be a space-preception element. Second, According to the type of platform structures, such as an island platform and a separate platform, the main areas of and necessity for the space-perception elements may bring about changes. Third, these four stations that has been analyzed for this study, lighting, compared with color, finishing material and pattern, has been highly insufficient to be a perception element.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회
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