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논문명 [연구논문-건축] 동바리 되세우기를 실시한 다층 건축구조물 바닥판의 시공하중 평가 / [연구논문-건축] Evaluation of Construction Loads of Slabs and Shores with vvRemoving Shores and Placing Reshores
저자명 이성호
발행사 대우건설 기술연구소
수록사항 대우건설기술, 통권 제36호 (2014-12)
페이지 시작페이지(122) 총페이지(9)
ISSN 12298034
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 //Construction load ; Shore ; Reshore ; Site measurement ; Supporting load
요약2 Reshoring makes slab deflect and support its own weight. The construction loads on the slabs in lower levels decrease using the reshoring. Simplified analysis proposed by ACI 347.2R-05 showed that if the reshoring is applied, construction loads on slabs and shores, and quantities of forms and shores decreased by 40%, 23%, 40%, and 50%, respectively. Shores' loads were comparatively measured on site. The measured reshore load was half of the load before removing the shores and it was reduced by 35% compared with the measured shore load. To verify the safety of the reshoring, deflections of beams and strains of longitudinal beam bars were also measured. The maximum deflection was only L/5,000 and the maximum strain was only 3.6% of the yield strain. Consequently, reshoring does not cause problems on the safety or serviceability. In addition, the beam load was expected from the measured shores' loads and it well coincides with the predicted value by the ACI 347.2R-05 simplified analysis.
소장처 대우건설 기술연구소
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