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논문명 치과대학병원의 진료과목별 소요면적에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Dental College Hospital's medical Subjects of the unit area
저자명 이재영(Lee, Jae-Yeong) ; 김동훈(Kim, Dong-Hoon)
발행사 한국문화공간건축학회
수록사항 한국문화공간건축학회 논문집, 통권 제50호 (2015-05)
페이지 시작페이지(94) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1738-818X
주제분류 계획및설계 / 도시
주제어 치과병원, 치과병원 건축계획, 치과병원 스페이스프로그램//Dental hospital, Architural Planning of the Dental hospital, Dental hospital space program
요약2 Today's medical environment due to the development of national implementation of the sweeping health care and has focused attention on their health and medical reforms such as system cost him of the General Hospital,Hospital, lawmakers will greet the era of the fierce competition with each other. Aware of these patients due to environmental and health care consumers with the social environment and specialization in more detail by shifts of medical treatment of patients for social needsResponse, health care facilities, as also constantly by introducing new knowledge and ideas constantly changing day by day. Development of science and technology and high-tech medical equipment and diagnostic devices the development of advanced and specialized and fragmented, and a dental clinic, as well as a dental office of the existing implant,Braces and Pediatric Dentistry, only cosmetic treatment expert that can be treated with a dental clinic, members of Congress, which is planned to open the trend, and these trend is expected to accelerate. Therefore, this study is to be used as materials on the basis of the Architectural Planning of a dental clinic became independent with a view to providing the space program, where building that is run in systemAny university dental school clinics focusing on the requirement for each and Jae-sil architecture in space and analyzed.
소장처 한국문화공간건축학회
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