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논문명 업무용 건물의 용도 및 운전 기간별 에너지 소비 특성 연구 / A Study on the Energy Consumption Characteristics for Use and Operation Period in Office Buildings
저자명 박병훈(Byung Hun Park) ; 김시헌(Si Heon Kim)
발행사 대한설비공학회
수록사항 설비공학논문집, Vol.29 No.11 (2017-11)
페이지 시작페이지(605) 총페이지(7)
ISSN 1229-6422
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 에너지 소비 ; 에너지 원단위 ; 업무용 건물 ; 건물에너지 ; 중형건물 ; 소형건물//Energy consumption ; Energy consumption rate ; Office Building ; Building energy ; Medium-sized buildings ; Small-sized buildings
요약2 The purpose of this study is to calculate the energy consumption rate based on data regarding energy use in office buildings, and to confirm the general characteristics of energy consumption. The energy consumption rate of the building is calculated by dividing the energy consumption by the floor area. The energy consumption rate of small-sized office buildings was calculated as 101.48~201.55 kWh/m2?year and in the case of medium-sized buildings, the range was 92.77~177.89 kWh/m2?year. In the case of small buildings, it was found that the energy consumption was 73.24 kWh/m2?year in electronic device, 34.31 kWh/m2?year in hot water supply, and 18.37 kWh/m2?year in heating. In the case of medium-sized buildings, electronic devices was 73.08 kWh/m2?year, lighting was 18.35 kWh/m2?year and heating, 15.37 kWh/m2?year. In all of the study buildings, the peak heating energy use was observed from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m during the winter, and the peak power management was required. Energy use at and around the midnight hour is confirmed to be 40~60% of weekly working hours, so it is necessary to manage power use at night time as well as during the day. In order to improve the accuracy of future studies, it is necessary to make efforts to secure the data with standardized energy measuring units for the various type of buildings.
소장처 대한설비공학회
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