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논문명 건축자산 진흥구역에서 결합건축 제도의 시행이 도시 형태에 미칠 영향에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Urban Morphological Implications by Implementation of the Conjoint Building Program within Architectural Heritage Promotion Districts
저자명 김도현(Kim, Do-Hyeon) ; 최춘웅(Choi, Choon)
발행사 대한건축학회
수록사항 대한건축학회논문집 계획계, Vol.34 No.02 (2018-02)
페이지 시작페이지(107) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 1226-9093
주제분류 이론
주제어 결합건축 ; 결합개발 ; 용적 이전 ; 용적률 결합 ; 도시 재개발 활성화 ; 도시 재생 활성화 ; 건축자산 진흥구역//Conjoint Building Program ; Conjoint Renewal Program ; Transfer FAR ; Conjoint FAR ; Urban Redevelopment Invigoration ; Urban Regeneration Invigoration ; Architectural Heritage Promotion District
요약2 A primary objective the Conjoint Building Program(CBP), as articulated in the legislation proceedings as to stimulate renewal and regeneration of old deteriorated districts. By allowing the transfer of development rights between two lots located within 100m radius or the same block surrounded by 12m wide streets, CBP encourages reconstruction of old buildings with low investment value by linking it to another lot that can buy its unused floor area ration. Most of the debates and studies prior to the introduction of the new legislation focused on possible abuse in financial terms, and little research has been done to illustrate possible merits of deficiencies in term of urban morphological influences. This study offers a visual prediction of the various ways CBP can influence an urban block by reshaping and reorganizing it thrown augmented development rights to assess the pros and cons of the current program.
소장처 대한건축학회
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